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Baillie Parker

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Baillie Parker

Industries Served: Industrial, services, distribution, consumer services, and manufacturing. 

Functions Served: Board and C-level

Organizational Types Served: Private Equity and Public Companies


Baillie focuses on Board, C-level and VP-level placements for leading private equity companies. His search experience spans over a decade of work across a range of functions and disciplines for both private and multi-billion dollar public companies.

Prior to ON Partners, Baillie was a Partner with a leading global firm, and a Partner with Converge Executive Search, a highly regarded boutique. He began his career in retained search at Russell Reynolds Associates. Prior to his career in search, Baillie was CEO / Co-founder of a start-up and featured in Billboard Magazine’s “Faces to Watch” list of executives.

 Baillie graduated cum laude from Washington University in St. Louis. He lives in Minneapolis near a lake with his wife, son, daughter, and dog Archie.

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