Benchmarking Executive Women’s Compensation

Let’s explore the complex terrain of gender equity and compensation parity at the executive level.

Where We Start.

With expertise in leadership, data innovation, and talent intelligence, ON Partners seeks to bring transparency and clarity to this ongoing dialogue.

Harnessing thousands of data points from over 2,000 searches, we’ll unlock new insights into executive women’s compensation benchmarks.


This report seeks to drive clarity as we dig into the following data:

  • Executive women’s compensation benchmarks.
  • Examination of year-over-year increases in executive women hiring.
  • Analysis of executive women tenure trends.
  • Qualitative insights from our executive search experts into executive women hiring trends.

What We Know.

Pay equity is a hot topic and there are several important aspects to consider when evaluating compensation parity at the executive level.

Despite comprising nearly 57% of the workforce, only 35% of women hold management positions.

The McKinsey Women in the Workplace 2023 report illustrates a significant increase in women’s representation in C-suite and senior vice president roles since 2015.

According to the 2024 Gender Pay Gap Report by Payscale, women earn 83 cents on the dollar compared to men, with executives facing an even wider gap at 72 cents.